It is not an expensive camera that makes a photographer, it is the person holding it. Here’s one from Ansel Adams, whose landscape work captured the US national parks like nobody else ever could, long before digital cameras were even in Steven Sasson’s dreams.
Photography Inspiration- Matthew Brady
Posted February 20, 2014
Photographers rarely question why they do what they do. It is a calling and we simply answer. Here’s one from Matthew Brady, without whom so much of the Civil War would now be only stories.
How to Become a Professional Photographer
Posted October 24, 2013
Professional Photography may be an excellent choice for a person who wants a career that uses their creative talent. If you want to become a professional photographer, you may want to prepare yourself to start small while perfecting your crafts and building your portfolio. The following tips should be able to help you get started and be on your way to a career in photography.