How to get your Photos Published

getting photos published

Your skills have progressed to a level to where you are satisfied, and you’re ready to share your unique visions captured in the world. This is definitely a moment of pride, and knowing how to get your photos published is the next important step. Freelance photographers the world over vie for choice publication slots, but it’s not the momentous task you think it may be. With a bit of know-how and persistence your images can be seen by people all over the world as well.

Shopping Your Portfolio

Start with your portfolio itself. By this time, you have amassed an impressive collection of images of the things you enjoy shooting most. Your interests may include exotic locations, industrial art and design, or perhaps portraits of the famous and not so well known. Whatever your topic of choice, it’s important to do your research and determine what markets may be interested in your pictures. For example, a magazine that publishes articles and images about foreign cultures may not be interested in your photo-essay about Bayonne, New Jersey. Rest assured your particular view of the world is sought after, but just not by everyone.

Selection of Images

When putting together your submission package, choose these images that best illustrate your skills and expertise as a photographer. Yes, you may be hoping some of the ones submitted are purchased by a photo editor, but if not, you want to leave the door open for commissioned work. It is not uncommon for an editor to reject an unsolicited project, but then ask if the photographer would be interested in a commission to shoot some related topic. It is just as important to showcase your flexibility as well as your talent.

Submission Process

There are many websites dedicated to matching up photographers with clients. Publishers require images for everything from traditional magazine and newspaper assignments to websites and advertising campaigns. Your submissions to these types of jobs should be well designed to capture your abilities in as short a time as possible. When submitting work for consideration, don’t make the mistake of dumping a file of hundreds of images on an editor’s lap. Instead, choose between ten and twenty quality pieces that display a variety of angles, lighting, and motion to showcase your abilities. Make sure each photograph has your contact information as well as a brief synopsis so the information can easily be reviewed by the editor. Taking time to present yourself well will put you ahead of the pack when looking for paying work.

With a little hard work and persistence, you can get your photos published. Knowing your target audience as well as being in tune with your own personal strengths and weaknesses is the key to this process.


Are you ready to pursue your photography career? Get information on programs in your area and online using our photography degree finder at the top of this page.


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