Photography Inspiration – Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams_photo inspiration

Photography degree students know the power of the world around us. The beauty of nature has been the subject of photography for years and years. Great mountain ranges, beautiful rolling hills, sweltering heat on endless deserts. The world of photography has made great use of Mother Nature and all that it can give.  There are many big names in photography that students can look up to, but in the world of landscape photography, there is one name that shines brightest.

Ansel Adams.

Adams, an avid hiker and aficionado of nature, led the way for the world of landscape photography. When he was young, Adams had trouble fitting in at school due to natural shyness and found trouble working within the school system. As an only child, Adams led a solitary life and found he enjoyed taking hikes and exploring nature.

He explored the wilderness of Southern California and fell in love with the variety of nature in the state.  After finally giving up on formal schooling, Adams took up the piano and thought that to be his lot in life.

It was his joining into the Sierra Club that really propelled his career towards photography. Adams was in love with the Yosemite Valley and some of his first published photos were of the valley and they were published in the Sierra Club’s bulletin.

Adams had begun his career in photography without even knowing it. He soon met Albert Bender and began production of his first portfolio of work. He met photographers who influenced his style, he continued to take photos of the glorious California landscapes, and he innovated. Ansel Adams developed the “Zone System” along with fellow photographer Fred Archer as a method of receiving optimal film exposure and development.

Adams quickly became a champion and avid practitioner of technical photography. Over the years, he would teach lessons about the technological innovations of photography, start and contribute to magazines that were dedicated to the field of photography, and, in his own way, create a form of photography.

Landscape photographers owe more to Ansel Adams than they may realize.

His influence is still felt today. Students can take photography classes based on his teachings at the and many online photography courses focus in on Adams’ work. His revelation of the beautiful California landscape has inspired a number of students today.

Any student who has a passion for nature and can see that beauty when they look through a lens should consider a career in landscape photography. While you may find yourself more dedicated to the world of nature, online courses provide options for any photographer in the world of nature. Ansel Adams may not have seen photography as a career when he started out, but any photographer can agree with Adams’ philosophy. “You don’t take a photograph, you make it.”

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